___________________________________________________________________________ Mail: Creating mail aliases for existing personal accounts Q. Is it possible to have two e-mail addresses for one account? A. You can have a mail alias name for your account. For example, I could be: mickey@halcyon.com but also: mickey_weasel@halcyon.com Note that mail sent to either name will de delivered to the same mailbox, the mailbox with the login name on the account. We'll create a couple -- a maximum of three -- mail aliases for each account. The aliases must: - Contain only lowercase letters and/or numerals - Include no punctuation except for underscore (_) or hyphen (-) - Be between nine and fourteen characters long Names have to start with an alphanumeric character, and can contain only undercores (_) and hyphen (-) as embedded punctuation. Embedded means that the _ or - are separators between alphanumerics, not leading or trailing characters. There's a tendency for folks to try to pad out their names to nine characters with underscores; not only will this confuse some mailers, it's a maintenance nightmare, and it's awfully hard for your correspondents to know how many underscores to type. Remember that while UNIX is case-sensitive, not all mailer programs are. That's why do don't allow aliases that contain mixes of upper- and lowercase characters; that's only creating a problem we'll all have to deal with later. There is no charge for creating mail alias names. To add *separate* mailboxes (emailed is stored seperately with it's own password), you may purchase an additional POP box for $5/month. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.