___________________________________________________________________________ Mail: Forwarding your mail to another address Q. I've got an account on halcyon (mickey@halcyon.com) and would like to forward my mail to another address (minnie@tonka.edu) while I'm visiting there for a month. How do I do this? A. For Shell and Personal SLIP/PPP accounts, forwarding mail is set up the same way: log in to king.halcyon.com and get to the shell prompt. Then create a file named: .forward ...in your home directory that contains the address to which you want your mail forwarded. A easy way to do this is by typing the following: cd cat > .forward minnie@tonka.edu ^D chmod 644 .forward The ^D means to type CTRL-D. When you wish to stop forwarding your mail, delete the .forward file: rm .forward To get to the shell prompt from the shell menu, press ENTER at the menu. To get to a shell prompt if you have a Personal SLIP/PPP account, use a telnet client to log in to king.halcyon.com using your name and password. A telnet client is included with the Chameleon Sampler for Windows. NCSA Telnet is the standard telnet client for the Macintosh; you can retrieve it from any of the Info-Mac archives listed in your bookmarks for Fetch or Anarchie, or from: (14-Mar-97/maifymta/WRD) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.