Northwest Nexus Frequently Asked Questions


Using Fetch 3.03

The following is an example of using Fetch to upload files to your web directory.
Note: The examples in this document reflect an old server name. Please substitute the server name "" wherever "" is used.

When you open Fetch, fill in your appropriate user information in a screen which opens like this:

Once connected, the screen changes to as shown below. Go ahead and use the Get and Put buttons to transfer data. Binary mode should be chosen first, then when it asks about text and data, choose RAW DATA. To upload multiple files at once, go to the Remote Menu and choose Put Files & Folders. Then you can Add a bunch a files to a list, then upload them all in one effort.

To manually CD (change directory) to move to another folder, go to the Directories Menu and choose Change Directory. Then you can type ~username to go to your home directory, or /www/username to go to your web directory:

Finally, a good time saver is to create a shortcut for your connect. When Fetch loads the next time, you can immediately select it and not have to fill all this information out again. Once connected, go to the Customize Menu, and select New Shortcut. A screen like this should appear:

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