___________________________________________________________________________ FTP: Getting files to and from our systems Q. How can I use FTP to copy files to and from the halcyon-family systems? A. As Personal or Premium Dial-up account holder, you can ftp to our halcyon-family systems and both upload and download files. When you want to put files in your private directory (for example, /j/mickey) on the halcyon systems, you use an FTP program to connect to: king.halcyon.com ...using your regular login name and password. When the FTP connection has been established, you can then change your directory to your home directory and transfer files in either direction. Q. Can I make files available for people who don't have accounts on the halcyon-family systems? A. First, you need to create an FTP directory on your system. This is what we call a directory that can be accessed publicly via our FTP server. Using a telnet program, connect to: king.halcyon.com ...using your regular login name and password. You will get our standard shell menu; hit to drop to the shell prompt. At the shell prompt, type: makeftpdir This will create a directory named: /pub/users/username ...where "username" is your own login name. Once you have done this, you can type "logout" to close your telnet session. To make files available for anonymous FTP, use your ftp program to connect to: king.halcyon.com Then, tell your ftp program to change directories to: /pub/users/username Again, replace "username" with your own login name. Please bear in mind that you are responsible for the contents of your FTP directory. Q. How can someone download files from my local directory? A. They should use their FTP program to connect to: ftp.halcyon.com ...and login using "anonymous" as their username and their email address as their password. This server gives anyone on the Internet read-only access to files you've placed in your local directory. No uploads are permitted via anonymous ftp; only you, as an account holder, can write to your directory, using the method described above. Once connected, the user can change directories to: pub/users/username ...to access files in your directory. In URL form, the address would be: ftp://ftp.halcyon.com/pub/users/mickey/ (02-Aug-96/ftpgftaf/WRD) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.