______________________________________________________________________________ Modems: Mac doesn't hang up modem when disconnecting with InterSLIP Q. Why doesn't my Mac hang up the line and disconnect the modem when I terminate my SLIP session? A. Putting &D2 in your modem init string makes your modem hang up when your software tells the your Mac to drop DTR. But because of the way Macs handle serial ports and cables and the like, in certain high-volume I/O situations, such as FTPing large files or sending big messages, DTR might drop for a short time to allow the Mac to catch up with the data stream, thus disconnecting the modem in the middle of your transfer. If you remove &D2 from your init string (or replace it with &D0 [that's "zero"]), you'll avoid the accidental hang-ups, but you'll have to turn your modem off by hand when you end your session. If you're using a terminal emulator/communications program like Microphone, that program may already send the software commands to hang up your modem for you. If you are connecting to your SLIP account using InterSLIP, you can make your modem hang up when you click on the Disconnect button by using a dialing script to replace the standard "Hayes-Compatible" script. This script will also make InterSLIP redial when it encounters busy signals. To install this dialing script, copy it to a TEXT file (make sure to save as text if you're using something like Word), and save it in the Dialing Scripts folder inside your InterSLIP folder, which in turn lives inside your Preferences folder. Launch InterSLIP, and select the new dialing script from the Dialing pop-up menu in the InterSLIP configuration window. ! Original script by Fred Morris ! Modifications and comments by Adam C. Engst ! 21-Feb-94 = Added redial feature (ACE) @originate ! Initialize mode from string in InterSLIP configuration note "Initializing modem" write "^4\13" pause 20 ! Dial modem from number in InterSLIP configuration note "Dialing ^1" write "atdt^1\13" ! Check only for BUSY or CONNECT, then redial or connect matchstr 1 10 "BUSY" matchstr 2 20 "CONNECT" matchread 500 @label 10 ! The line is busy, so let's redial the modem indefinitely ! This will also redial after the (matchread 500) timeout if you get endless rings note "Line busy, redialing ^1" ! First hang up and reinitialize modem from string in InterSLIP configuration write "+++" pause 60 write "ath\13" write "^4\13" ! Then go back and dial again using phone number in InterSLIP configuration jump originate @label 20 ! Everything worked fine, you're connected now note "Dialed successfully" exit 0 @answer @hangup ! Hang up the modem and reinitialize from string in InterSLIP configuration ! The only way to get here is to manually click the Disconnect button note "Hanging up modem" write "+++" pause 60 write "ath\13" write "^4\13" exit 0 (21-Nov-94/modhtrcp/MJT) ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.