______________________________________________________________________________ News: How to read halcyon.announce from a Shell account Q. I know about 8 Unix commands, none of which helps me to view halcyon.announce. How is it done? A. If you have a Shell account, you can read halcyon.announce by using one of the newsreaders that is available through the menu interface. - If you're at the shell prompt, type: menu ...to get to the menu. - From the menu, type 'N' to select News Readers. If you are reading news for the first time, pick option 9, 'Build a new .newsrc file with basic groups pre-selected'. After a wait of a minute or more, you'll again be able to choose from the available newsreaders. Choose '4' to select the tin threaded newsreader. After another short wait, you'll see tin's Group Selection screen. Use the down- arrow key to move the cursor bar to 'halcyon.announce', then press ENTER. - When the list of articles is displayed, use the arrow keys and the commands listed at the bottom of the screen to select and read articles. - When you are done, press 'q' to return to the Group Selection screen, then 'q' again, followed by ENTER to return to the Newsreader selection screen. (10-Apr-96/newhtrha/WRD) ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.