______________________________________________________________________________ Newsreaders: Removing the nn LOCK file Q. I try to run nn, but I get the following message: nn is running on host chinook or .nn/LOCK should be removed. A. First, check and see if you've inadvertantly stopped nn or have it running in the background by typing the following command at the shell prompt: jobs If you see a list of items and one of them is labeled "nn," try typing: %n ...where n is the number in front of the line with "nn" in it. That should start nn running in the foreground again. If you get nothing when you use the jobs command, you probably inadvert- antly left a copy of nn running then logged out or were disconnected, and this left behind a "lock" file. You must remove this file before you can use nn again. Use the following command at the shell prompt: rm .nn/LOCK It's that simple. Getting to a shell prompt ------------------------- To get to the shell prompt from the shell menu, press ENTER at the menu. To get to a shell prompt if you have a Personal SLIP/PPP account, use a telnet client to log in to halcyon using your name and password. A telnet client is included with the Chameleon Sampler for Windows. You can obtain NCSA Telnet for the Macintosh at the following location: (10-Apr-96/newrtnlf/WRD) ______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.