___________________________________________________________________________ Mail and news: Creating and using a signature file Q. I want to use a signature file for my mail and news. How do I create one? A. tin seems to want a signature file named: .Sig ...while pine wants the more traditional: .signature You can create a file in your home directory with the editor of your choice -- pico, for example -- give it one name, then use the ln command to link the first name to the other. For example, create the first: pico .signature ...then after saving the file and exiting pico, make the link: ln .signature .Sig This way, whatever changes you make to one name will be reflected in the other name, because they both point to the same file. Alternatively, you can keep them separate, if you want your news postings to be signed differently from your mail. For much more comprehensive information on creating and using signatures, see the Signature and Finger FAQ at: (24-May-95/maicauas/MJT) ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1996 Northwest Nexus Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor redistributed in any form without express permission; contact us at support@halcyon.com with questions.